Keynote Speakers

Richie Howitt
Professor, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University
Richie Howitt是澳洲麥考瑞大學(Macquarie University in Sydney)地理科學與規劃學系的人文地理學教授,他同時也是麥考瑞大學與當地市議會創新合作組織的理事,並於校內理事會擔任委員。他的研究關注的是社會與環境正義之間不同層次的互動,特別是多元社會中的原住民族權利及其福祉;並主張將社會、環境和經濟方面的正義議題與多層級的治理體系徹底整合。他倡導在以地區為基礎的共處(being-together-in-place)之範疇中來理解「共存」(coexistence)的含義,並將之視為一個連續的過程;在這個過程中也應認識到主流文化群體對於原住民與少數群體的權利及福祉所應負起的道德責任。
Richie HOWITT is Professor of Human Geography, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Sydney. He is also Director of Macquarie’s innovative partnership with the university’s local municipal council, and an elected member of the University’s governing body. His research is generally is concerned with the interplay across scales of social and environmental justice, particularly in relation to Indigenous rights and well-being in local communities of diversity. He advocates deep integration of social, environmental and economic dimensions of justice into governance systems at various scales. He has advocated understanding coexistence in terms of being-together-in-place, and a continuing process in which dominant culture groups take ethical responsibility for ensuring the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples and minority groups.
His recent research includes work on
long-term implications of social, economic and environmental change in rural NSW for Aboriginal communities (ARC Discovery Project),
university governance for social justice, sustainability and inclusion;
engagement of the not-for-profit sector with Indigenous welfare and community development (ARC Linkage Project with Australian Red Cross),
integrating Indigenous perspectives into science, planning and education, and
a range of issues in relationships between universities and local communities.
Focus on local communities in the context of wider scale changes informs his work in the ethnically diverse local community in Ryde.

Marcus Mojigoh
Kadazan / Malaysia Member of Parliament
拿督Marcus Makin Mojigoh博士,1952年出生於馬來西亞沙巴州Putan,現為馬來西亞國會議員。
Saham Sabah Berhad公司主席(政府營運公司)
Datuk Dr. Marcus Makin Mojigoh was born in 1952. He is the Member of the Parliament of Malaysia for the Putatan constituency in Sabah.
Current Job:
Member of Parliament of Malaysia
Chairman of Malaysia Cocoa Board (Government Agency)
Chairman of Saham Sabah Berhad (Government Link Company)
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
House Committee on Welfare of Parliamentarian – Rule & Regulation
Parliamentarians’ Federation for World Peace – Member Since 2004
& Secretary General (2009 – 2011)
Deputy President Asia Pacific Parliamentarians Conference on Environment and Development (APPCED) Member Since 2004 & Secretary General (2008 – 2011)
Parliamentary Global Action Committee
Malaysian Parliament Public Account Committee Member – Since 2015
President of JCI Malaysia Senate Association – 2012
President of Asia-Pacific JCI Senate Association – 2014 – 2015
President of Kadazandusun Chamber of Commerce & Industry – 2004 – 2010 (Indigenous People Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
Protem President of Sabah Native Land Advisor Council – 2004
Founding Member of Institute for Indigenous Economic Progress (Sabah)
The International Experience of State’s Apologizing to Indigenous Peoples and Subsequent Actions

夷將.拔路兒 Icyang‧Parod
Amis / Minister, Council of indigenous peoples, Taiwan
Educational Background:
Bachelor of Political Science, National Taiwan University(1980-1984)
Researcher, Aboriginal People Council, Executive Yuan(1997-1999)
Senior Executive Officer, Indigenous Peoples Commission, Taipei City Government(1999-2000)
Secretary, Taipei County Government (June 2000 –July 2000)
Director-General, Indigenous Peoples Department, Taipei County Government(2000-2005)
Deputy Minister, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan(2005-2007)
Minister, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan(2007-2008)
Councilor, The 1st Term of New Taipei City Council(2010-2014)
Councilor, The 2nd Term of New Taipei City Council(2014-2015)

J. Kalani English
Hawaii State Senator and Majority Leader
J. Kalani English參議員代表夏威夷州參議院第七選區(Hana, East & Upcountry Maui, Moloka‘i, Lana‘i and Kaho’olawe),是夏威夷州參議院的多數黨領袖、夏威夷旅遊及國際事務委員會主席與夏威夷事務委員會副主席,亦是籌款委員會和運輸及能源委員會的成員。
English參議員於台灣國立政治大學公共行政及企業管理教育中心取得結業證明。他是夏威夷羅亞學院(Hawai‘i Loa College)太平洋島嶼研究學士,於夏威夷大學馬諾阿分校(University of Hawai‘i, Manoa)取得太平洋島嶼研究碩士學位,並是東西中心(East-West Center)文化與溝通研究所的校友。
English參議員取得的榮譽包括:完成哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院( John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University)「州政府及地方政府資深主管研習班」(Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government )課程及獲選為全美州政府協會( Council of State Governments)的Henry Toll計畫培訓對象。
Senator J. Kalani English represents the 7th Senatorial District of Hana, East & Upcountry Maui, Moloka‘i, Lana‘i and Kaho‘olawe. He is the Majority Leader of the Hawai‘i Senate, Chair of the Committee on Tourism & International Affairs, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Hawaiian Affairs and is a member of the Ways & Means and Transportation & Energy Committees.
Senator English received a certificate from the Center for Public and Business Administration Education at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Pacific Islands Studies from Hawai‘i Loa College and a Master’s Degree in Pacific Island Studies from the University of Hawai‘i, Manoa and is an alumnus of the East-West Center's Institute of Culture & Communication. Some of Senator English’s many accolades include completion of the Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and is a Council of State Governments’ Henry Toll Fellow.
Senator English was raised in Hana, Maui by his grandparents who instilled in him a strong work ethic and dedication to family and community. Biligual in English and Hawaiian languages, Senator English possesses uniquely diverse attributes.

Ovide Mercredi
Cree / President, Manitoba New Democratic Party, Canada
Ovide Mercredi屬克里族,1946年出生於Grand Rapids北方社區。他持續不懈地為加拿大第一民族權利努力,並且是一位雄辯、熱情和清晰的第一民族領袖。自曼尼托巴大學(University of Manitoba)取得法律學位後,他開始執業並成為曼尼托巴酋長們的顧問,其專長為憲法。1989年,他當選曼尼托巴第一民族議會的區域酋長(Regional Chief);成為密契湖協議(Meech Lake Accord)憲法改革討論時,議會的重要戰略擬定者。他亦在解決1990年奧卡危機(Oka Crisis)時,發揮堅強的領導作用。1991年,Mercredi當選第一民族議會民族酋長(National Chief)。在任期內,他帶領第一民族參與查絡特城協定(Charlottetown Accord)談判,並與全加拿大的長老們緊密合作;1994年再次當選民族酋長,連任至1997年。曾於聯合國紐約總部和日內瓦辦事處發表演說;並帶領加拿大人權代表前往墨西哥嘉帕斯州。2005年至2011年間,他任Misipawistik克里民族酋長,服務自己的社區;於任期結束後出任議員。
他透過傳統和習慣法,被選為2006年至2014年間「11項條約」(Numbered Treaties)的民族發言人。作為條約發言人,他持續尋求傳統長老的建議與支持。除了律師和政治生涯外,1993年與Mary Ellen Turpel合著《In The Rapids: Navigating the Future of First Nations》;2015年10月出版個人詩集《My Silent Drum》;亦向其他刊物提供文章。閒暇時,他喜歡繪畫與寫詩。Ovide提倡以非暴力方式尋求改變,曾於被提名甘地和平獎時前往印度。
他獲得多個大學的榮譽學位,包括:主教大學(Bishops University)、聖瑪麗大學(St Mary’s University)、列斯布里治大學(University of Lethbridge)和亞大巴斯卡大學(Athabasca University)。2005年,他獲得曼尼托巴勳章;2010年,和平與正義研究學會(PJSA)授與「社會勇氣獎」(Social Courage Award);2013年,他獲選為曼尼托巴大學傑出校友;並曾任校長的資深顧問。Ovide任職於加拿大心臟與中風基金會理事會、溫尼伯無畏計畫(Winnipeg Boldness Project)、加拿大人尋求新夥伴關係(Canadians for a New Partnership),並作為曼尼托巴新民主黨黨主席一志願性角色。Ovide Mercredi確信所有第一民族社區有著積極未來,並認為第一民族人民有著與生俱來的力量與才能。他堅持他的民族擁有對需求和渴望的答案。對他來說,透過單純傳統價值,如尊重與仁慈,療癒是能被實現的。
Ovide Mercredi is a Cree born in the northern community of Grand Rapids in 1946. He has worked tirelessly for the rights of First Nations people throughout Canada and is known as a First Nations leader that speaks eloquently with great passion and clarity.
A graduate of the University of Manitoba with a Law Degree, he practiced criminal law and later specialized in constitutional law as an advisor to Manitoba Chiefs.
In 1989, he was elected Regional Chief of the Assembly of First Nations for Manitoba. He became a key strategist for the Assembly during the time of the Meech Lake Accord Constitutional Reform discussions. He also had a strong leadership role in helping to resolve the Oka Crisis in 1990.
Ovide Mercredi was elected as National Chief for the Assembly of First Nations in 1991. During his first term he led the negotiations for the First Nations in the Charlottetown Accord and in his role worked closely with Elders from all regions of Canada; he was re-elected in 1994 and served as National Chief until 1997. He addressed the United Nations in Geneva and New York. He led a human rights delegation of Canadians to the troubled area of the Mexican state of Chiapas.
He served his community as Chief of the Misipawistik Cree Nation from 2005 to 2011. He was a councillor for three years after his term as Chief.
He was the National Spokesperson for Treaties 1 to 11 from 2006 to 2014, having been chosen in a traditional and customary manner. As a Treaty Spokesperson, he continued his practice of seeking the advice and support of traditional Elders.
In addition to serving as a lawyer and politician, he co-authored “In the Rapids: Navigating the Future of First Nations” with Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond in 1993; in 2015, he launched his book of poetry called “My Silent Drum”; he has contributed articles to other publications. In his spare time, he enjoys painting and writing poetry.
Ovide is an advocate of non-violent methods for change and travelled to India when he was nominated for the Gandhi Peace Prize.
He has received honorary degrees from; Bishops University, St Mary’s University, the University of Lethbridge and Athabasca University.
In 2005, he received the Order of Manitoba; in 2010, the Peace and Justice Studies Association awarded him their Social Courage award; in 2013, he was selected as the Distinguished Alumni of the University of Manitoba. He is a former Senior Advisor to the President of the University of Manitoba.

Guy Charlton
Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, Curtin Law School, Curtin University
Dr. Guy Charlton來自美國威斯康辛州的密爾瓦基市,他也是在這裡習得並從事法律研究。Dr. Charlton目前是澳洲科汀大學法學院的副教授,主要教授原住民土地所有權法以及人權。他於多倫多大學獲得碩士學位,在奧克蘭大學獲得博士學位,並於威斯康辛大學獲得法律博士學位(Juris Doctor)。
Dr Charlton is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA where he practiced law. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at Curtin University Law School where he teaches Native Title Law and Human Rights. He has a Master’s Degree from the University of Toronto, a PhD in Law from the University of Auckland and a JD from the University of Wisconsin.

蔡志偉 Tsai, Chih-Wei (Awi Mona)
Seediq / Associate Professor, Institute of Financial and Economic Law, National Dong Hwa University
Professor Tsai, Chih-Wei (Awi Mona) is the Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law of National Dong-Hwa University. His research focus on the obligation and rights for indigenous subject of legal relation (individual, indigenous community and ethnics), and explored the interaction between the state law and the indigenous subject of legal relation, furthermore, he observed the ways in which the rights of the indigenous subject of legal relation could be protected and balanced optimally.
Professor Tsai attached great importance to the cultural diversity of indigenous people. He proposed that the cultural practice, ritual and ceremony as the connection within/between the indigenous societies have the characteristics of common law indeed, therefore, the state law need to respect and follow it in order to maintain the particularity of indigenous people as to reflect the respect for cultural diversity in the content of Constitution.
Professor Tsai is fully experienced in interdisciplinary research, he has conducted several research project in the issues of cultivating indigenous higher education and developing indigenous education. Professor Tsai was the first Doctor of Juridical Science(S. J. D) in Taiwan indigenous society, as an indigenous jurist, he devoted himself to pioneering the issue of indigenous rights, his indigenous background also informs his work with special distribution in the field of ethnic human rights and
Multiculturalism of law.
Mechanism for the Settlement of Land Conflicts and Natural Resources Co-governance

官大偉 Kuan, Da-Wei (Daya Dakasi)
Atayal / Associate Professor, Department of Ethnology, National Chengchi University
官大偉為新竹縣尖石鄉泰雅族人,美國夏威夷大學地理學博士,現為國立政治大學政治大學民族學系副教授及小米穗基金會董事。其研究教學領域為:民族政策、民族地理、原住民族土地政策、原住民空間研究、原住民社區製圖、社區自然資源管理等。致力在原住民族土地議題上結合學術研究、教學與社會實踐。著作有〈原住民生態知識與當代災害管理以石門水庫上游集水區之泰雅族部落為例〉、〈原住民生態知識與流域治理. 以泰雅族Mrqwang 群之人河關係為例〉、〈原住民族土地權的挑戰〉、〈民族自治、傳統領域與自然資源管理:以加拿大育空第一民族為例〉、〈國土計畫、原住民族自治與原住民族土地權之落實〉、〈原住民知識再建構與社區發展〉等,同時亦實際與許多部落合作進行傳統領域調查與社區發展的計畫。
Daya (Da-Wei Kuan), member of the board of directors of the Millet Foundation, comes from the Tayal indigenous group in Taiwan. He earned a PhD in geography from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and is an associate professor in the Department of Ethnology at NCCU. His researches include the following fields: ethnic policy, indigenous geography, indigenous land policy, indigenous spatial studies, indigenous community mapping, and community-based resource management. Daya is devoting to integrate his works of academic research, teaching and social practice on the indigenous land issue. His recent publications include: “Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Contemporary Disaster Management A Case Study on the Tayal Communities’ Experience in the Watershed of Shih-Men Reservoir” “Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Watershed Governance:A Case Study of the Human-river Relations in Mrqwang, Taiwan,” “Challenges for the Realization of Indigenous Land Rights in Contemporary Taiwan,” “Ethnic Self Governance, Traditional Territory, and Natural Resource Management,” “Land Planning, Indigenous Self Governance, and Indigenous Land Rights,” and “Indigenous Knowledge and Community Development,” etc. He also collaborate with different indigenous communities in many traditional territory mapping and community development projects.

Leonor T. Oralde-Quintayo
Tagakaulo / Chairperson, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), Philippines
Leonor T. Oralde-Quintayo律師,友人間暱稱為”Nonol”,是一位有著明確目標的原住民專業人士,於菲律賓原住民族權利法案的施行擁有相關工作知識與經驗。她二十多年來維護原住民社區權利,因而擁有處理原住民族議題相關事務的能力。她相信堅持善治的原則,是原住民文化社區培力的最佳平台。
1997年,她作為原住民族委員會(NCIP)法務專員開始於公部門任職;2000年至2011年間任地方聽證官(Attorney VI)。其後,她於2011年任區域主任,並於2013年起任NCIP主席至今。
她屬於Tagakaulo族,1963年3月27日出生於南達沃省Talogoy, Malita;1985年於Digos市Cor Jesu College取得商業科學學士學位(主修會計);1996年於達沃雅典耀大學(Ateneo de Davao University)取得法律學士學位,並通過1996年菲律賓律師考試。
Attorney Leonor T. Oralde-Quintayo or “Nonol” as called by her close friends is a goal-oriented indigenous professional with relevant working knowledge and experience in the implementation of the Philippines’ Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act. From more than two decades of upholding the rights of indigenous communities, she has gained competence in dealing with indigenous peoples’ issues and concerns. She believes in the adherence to the principles of good governance as the best platform for the empowerment of the indigenous cultural communities.
Her service in the government started in 1997 as Legal Officer of National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), and served as Regional Hearing Officer (Attorney VI) from 2000 to 2011. Subsequently, she took the leadership as Regional Director in January 2011 and finally as the NCIP Chairperson on August 2013 to the present.
She is a member of the Tagakaulo tribe and was born on March 27, 1963 in Talogoy, Malita, Davao del Sur. She finished her Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major in Accounting at Cor Jesu College, Digos City in 1985 and her Bachelor of Laws at the Ateneo de Davao University in 1996 and passed the 1996 BAR examinations.

林華慶 Lin, Hwa-Ching
Director General, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
Lin, Hwa-ching received his PhD degree in Life Science from National Taiwan Normal University. He has devoted his efforts to environmental conservation and to promote the co-existence of agriculture and ecology.
In his term of office in Taipei Zoo, the successful restoration of two-striped grass frogs (Hylarana taipehensis) was the groundbreaking win-win case of the coordination between ecological conservation and the industry; Later, Lin promoted “Footprints in the Field Farmers Market”, which linked up friendly farming with conservation, during his tenure of office as deputy director of National Taiwan Museum, thereby to set up green marks systems, so that both farmers and consumers could take part in conservation actions through market deals. The results of these efforts were remarkable.
Hwa-ching is good at integrating and advancing biodiversity, natural farming and culture. After appointed Director General of Forestry Bureau, he expects to expand the conservation corridor of Central Mountain Range and the protection effects of coastal wetland conservation areas together with private sector, and to deepen the spirit of Satoyama Initiative, working with local communities and indigenous communities to develop industries and keep biodiversity, to reach benefit-sharing.

董恩慈 Tung, En-Tzu (Syaman Lamuran)
Tao (Yami) / Postdoctoral Researcher, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University
蘭嶼達悟族(雅美族)青年 Syaman Lamuran (董恩慈)博士,出生成長於蘭嶼,中學至大學期間則在臺灣長榮中學與美國大學就學,之後返鄉服務,目前為臺灣師範大學環境教育研究所擔任博士後研究員。其研究專長包括台灣原住民族、島嶼研究及原住民傳統生態知識等。
如何能從在地觀點描述及適切地掌握達悟族人的社會發展,以及對諸多外地研究者對蘭嶼學術研究的視角遺漏,能適時提出彌補,是我一向關心的重點。就從此脈絡而言,我認為Berkes對傳統生態知識提出的觀點,加上毛利人學者Linda Smith的「解殖方法論」是可以開展出達悟族人目前社會發展困境,從這樣起點的參考架構,可以滿足對達悟族社會做全面、整體掌握的要求。
Doctor Syaman Lamuran(董恩慈) was born and grew up in Orchid Island, belongs to Tao groups. After finishing his studies in main land of Taiwan and America, he returned to Orchid Island for community service. He is now a post-doctoral research fellow in the Institution of Environmental Education in National Taiwan Normal University. His research interest including Taiwan indigenous people, island studies and traditional ecological knowledge of Taiwan indigenous people.
Syaman’s researches are generally concerned about the way that how to describe and understand properly the social development of Tao in the terms of local point of view while trying to fulfill the deficiency arose by the foreign researchers. Under this circumstance, Syaman suggest that there are two approaches could lead to solve the developing dilemma in Tao’s society; Fikret Berkes’ idea about traditional ecological knowledge and the decolonization methodology proposed by Maori researcher Linda Smith. Syaman believes, we can gain more comprehensive and holistic understanding of Tao society within these two concepts.
Syaman has served as the director of Lan An Cultural and Educational Foundation(蘭恩文教基金會), House Care Association of Orchid Island(蘭嶼居家關懷協會) and Tao Foundation(蘭嶼部落文化基金會) for several years, and assisted in the organization of Orchid Island Youth Assembly. Since 2009 he has been engaged in the project ‘traditional territory’ conducted by Council of Indigenous People of Taiwan, he is fully experienced in dealing with the issues of transforming and adapting in modernization which happened in Orchid Island. Besides, he was also concerned about the inheritance of traditional knowledge and willing to contribute himself to the local society.

林益仁 Lin, Yih-Ren
Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine, Taipei Medical University
From a perspective of social-cultural analysis on nature, I continue to explore the relationship between environmental values and social change of different social groups. My main research topics during the past five years include: the multi-cultural perspective on the ecological values of the Chi-lan cypress forests; indigenous community mapping and traditional territories; traditional indigenous ecological knowledge; political ecology of natural disasters; risks and environmental management; and exploration of participatory action research methodology. I have published my findings in Chinese and English, including my research pertaining to the dispute behind Maqaw National Park, and was invited in 2005 by Professor J. B. Callicott, the former president of the International Society of Environmental Ethics (ISEE), to assist in a case study on why environmental values are important, published in the textbook Principles of Conservation Biology (Sunderland: Massachusetts : Sinauer Associates) and representing one of the few cases of environmental conservation in Taiwan published on an international level. In 2008, I hosted Professor Holmes Rolston, III, founding father of environmental philosophy and founding president of ISEE, for the St. Fransis Assisi Lectures at Providence University, serving as the translator for his talk on “God’s Providence and Eco-centrism.” After this academic interaction, I wrote the paper “Pondering Professor Holmes Rolston, III-A Perspective on Traditional Ecological Knowledge,” which was accepted by the highly regarded Christian scholarly publication Solitude and was published in 2009.
Other than my scholarly work, I have integrated my research into the general education curriculum, with several rewards from the Ministry of Education. I have also been chosen by the Ministry of Education as a distinguished scholar for my work in the course “Peoples and the Environment.” From the perspective of action-oriented research, I combined the ideals of general education and the usage of pedagogy to delve into the social practice field with “service learning” and received the Ministry of Education’s 2007 National service learning/volunteerism teacher of the year award. Starting in 2006, with the support of Shei-pa National Park, I worked alongside the Wu-Shiang Workshop and the company “Path of Light” in the production of the movie Once upon a Time, which is a DVD display of Tayal traditional ecological knowledge. This film won the Platinum prize in the ethnic/culture category at the April 2008 Remi Awards in the International Film Festival of Houston. This movie displays the topics of traditional indigenous knowledge and related issues to the general public through the networking of community universities and indigenous villages.
In the past few years, I have actively participated in related international conferences, and have invited American, Canadian, British, Australian, and other key scholars to Taiwan for scholarly exchange. I am also an active member of the International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE), having taken part in the work of setting up the code of ethics for work with indigenous peoples (including Chinese translation) and was invited to be a part of the international research team (see the following link: http://ise.arts.ubc.ca/global_coalition/ethics.php). In 2008, I was elected the ISE Asian representative. In my term as the Asian representative, I host the First Asian Conference of Ethnobiology (FACE) in 2009 in Taiwan. 2014, I was re-elected as the regional representative of Oceania and Pacific Islands of International Society of Ethnobiology.
Traditional Leaders, State Politics and the Establishment of Platform for Regional Dialogue

童春發 Tung, Chun-Fa (Masegesege Zengror Gadu)
Paiwan / Professor and Dean, College of Indigenous Studies, National Dong Hwa University
童春發院長是出生於屏東縣瑪家鄉的排灣族人,族名為 Masegesege Zengror Gadu。生長在基督教信仰家庭。專攻比較文化學,副修語言學。研究領域包含排灣族語言、歷史與文化、基督教與神學及原住民社會與文化議題。通用語言,除了精通自己的母語排灣族語之外,尚有閩南語、華語、英語及日語。
長期從事原住民族高等教育、參與原住民族高等教育行政事務。過去在私立玉山神學院任教 26 年,現在是國立東華大學原住民民族學院教授兼院長,已經邁入十五年。除了教學經歷之外,曾任教育部國語推行委員會主任委員及國立台灣史前文化博物館館長。衷心致力於培養多元族群高等人才。多元族群大地共榮,多元文化彩虹史觀是童春發院長的台灣根本觀念。為此積極推動本土語言的語音符號系統的訂定與推展之餘,在原住民族的語言的保存、復振、研究、編撰辭典、族語文學的推展、族語師資的培訓等不遺餘力。
在原住民文化研究上,除了陸續在季刊發表相關排灣族的議題研究之外,近來分別出版兩本專書:《台東縣金崙溪流域的區域發展與族群關係》和《排灣族擬人化的命名土地制度:三個遺址地名的田野調查與文化詮釋》。近來的研究取向是虛心閱讀相關排灣族的歷史、環境、語言、宗教、口傳文學、祭儀、 家與部落、族群關係與區域發展、宇宙概念與生命禮俗等。主要是讓自己更深體悟自己排灣族的知識體系與文化展演。藉以更謙卑學習其他族群的文化,更珍惜台灣母親的生命歷史與文化光彩。
Professor Tung, Chun-Fa (Masegesege Zengror Gadu) was born in a Christian family in Pingtung Majia, belongs to the Paiwan ethnic groups. His academic expertised is the language, history and culture of Paiwan, Theology and the issue of indigenous society. He is not only proficient in Paiwan language but also in Taiwanese, Mandarin, Japanese and English.
Professor Tung has been engaged in indigenous higher education for a great time, he taught in Yu-Shan Theological College for 26 years and served as Professor and Dean of College of Indigenous Studies of National Dong-Hwa University. In addition to education, Professor Tung has great impact in government departments, he served as Commissioner of National Language Committee and the Curator of National Museum of Prehistory. He has devoted himself to the revival, preservation and research of indigenous language, and also made efforts on cultivating indigenous language teacher education.
In the field of indigenous studies, his recent publications are ‘The Ethnic Relations and Regional Development in Taitung Jinluan River area’ and ‘Personification of the Land Naming System: The Field Research and Cultural Interpretation for Names of Three Sites.’ His researches are generally lead to a deeper understanding of the knowledge system and culture. He also mentioned that, by learning the culture of other ethnic groups modestly, we will be more enthusiastic and grateful for our history and particularity of Taiwan.

Toni Bauman
Senior Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
Toni Bauman是澳洲原住民與托雷斯海峽島民研究機構(AIATSIS)的資深研究員,其研究領域為治理與文化能力。她是一位人類學者、調解者、促進者和指導者,發表了許多著作,廣泛地向國內和國際聽眾進行演講,並舉辦許多工作坊和論壇。她的研究主要聚焦於達致永續成果的參與過程,包括原住民決策、自由知情同意、爭議管理、社區參與、建立夥伴關係,以及深度民主等共識建立的另類過程。Toni曾任AIATSIS「原住民促進與調解計畫」的總主持人(2003年至2006年),並持續參與澳洲聯邦法院原住民爭端解決的個案研究計畫。
Toni Bauman is a Senior Research Fellow, Governance and Cultural Competence at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. She is an anthropologist, mediator, facilitator and trainer who has published widely, made presentations to a range of national and international audiences and facilitated many workshops and forums. The focus of her research is on engagement processes which achieve sustainable outcomes including Indigenous decision-making, free prior and informed consent, dispute management, community engagement, building partnerships and relationships, and alternative consensus building processes such as Deep Democracy. Toni was the chief investigator on the Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project at AIATSIS (2003-2006) and subsequently for the Federal Court of Australia’s Indigenous dispute resolution case study project.
She has over thirty years of experience in Indigenous land and native title claims, governance, agreement-making, decision-making and dispute management processes, joint management of protected areas, government policy, art and craft, program evaluation, feasibility studies, tourism and training. She has worked as a staff member and consultant for government departments, statutory authorities and Indigenous NGOs.

Meked Besebes
Cultural Anthropologist, Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation-Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs, Palau
Meked Besebes於2004年獲得紐西蘭奧克蘭大學(University of Auckland, New Zealand)的人類學碩士學位,並受聘於帛琉政府文化與歷史保存部擔任文化人類學家。身為一位原住民研究者,她的學術興趣在於執行計畫與發展新方
Meked Besebes (36) hold an M.A. degree in Anthropology at University of Aucklandin New Zealand (2004). She is currently the Cultural Anthropologist at the Palau Bureau of Cultural and Historical Preservation/Historic Preservation Office. As indigenous researcher she is interested in carrying projects and exploring new methodologies to engage community in research projects and outcomes. Her current research focuses on Palau oral histories and ethnographic information related to specific cultural and historical sites. Ms. Besebes spent seven years (2006- 2013) working at the Belau National Museum as the Ethnographer. While at the
Museum she was involved research focusing on Palau traditional healing and medicine. She researched and implemented a project to revive Palau traditional pottery through grant assistance from the Republic of China. She is a mother of two boys and enjoys pottery.

戴明雄 Tai, Ming-Hsiung (Sakinu Tepiq)
Paiwan / President, Indigenous Community Reconstruction Cultural and Educational Foundation
I was born in Xianglang which is a culturally diverse community, including Han, Amis and Paiwan. I belong to Paiwan ethnic groups and grew up in a Paiwan family though I can’t speak Paiwan fluently. After 20 years steeped my childhood and adolescence in Amis culture, I finally realized that I belong to Paiwan. The fact is, we can’t recognize any Paiwan feature in our community except the church and our own household.
Yu-Shan Theological College was my turning point. During that period of time, I started to learn my mother language and rediscover my own culture and community, this helped me to build up my identification and ethnic consciousness. I served as the committee member of Indigenous Language Testing System since 2001, and also engaged in the editorial work for indigenous language teaching materials.
During my time in Yu-Shan Theological College, I began to concern about indigenous social movements and started to participate in it. From the age of 28, I turned the focus of social movements back to my own community, the most important part is to re-introduce and present our traditional ritual and ceremony to our community. The participation of young people contributed to the cohesion, our traditional harvest festival ‘Masalut’ has been revival in our community since 1996. After two decades, not only the rituals but also the traditional social organizations have been rebuilt and run in today’s community. Furthermore, we began to cooperate with the government in the project of community development, and to build up the local industry base on millet and red quinoa.
I’m a pastor of New-Xianglan church, and also served as Instructor of Yu-Shan Theological College and National Dong-Hwa University, President of Indigenous Community Reconstruction Cultural and Educational Foundation(財團法人原鄉部落重建文教基金會), Taitung Xin-Xianglang Community Association(台東縣太麻里香蘭社區發展協會) and Lalauran Millet Workshop(拉勞蘭部落小米工坊).

常本照樹 Teruki Tsunemoto
Director, Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies, Hokkaido University
Teruki Tsunemoto是北海道大學的憲法學教授,並且擔任了校長及法學院院長的特助。同時,他還是愛努.先住民研究中心的創立董事,該研究中心為此領域中唯一一所國家級研究機構。Tsunemoto在國家與地方政策制定及執行方面有著相當豐富的實務經驗,曾擔任由日本內閣官房長官所創建之愛努族政策促進工作小組的主席。此外,Tsunemoto也曾於美國加州大學伯克利分校法學院哈佛燕京學社擔任訪問學者。
Tsunemoto is currently a constitutional law professor at Hokkaido University and has served as the Special Assistant to the President of the University and the Dean of the School of Law, among others. He also is the Founding Director of the Center for Ainu and Indigenous Studies at the Hokkaido University, the only national institution in the field. He has experienced various leading positions in policy making processes of national and local governments including the Chair of the Working Group for Ainu Policy Promotion established by the Chief Cabinet Secretary. He has been a visiting scholar at the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California and the Harvard Yenching Institute.

高正治 Kao, Cheng-Chih (Gui Giling)
Paiwan / Mazazaniyan (Leader), Kaladalan Tribe / Member of National Assembly (1992-1996) / Ex-President, Taiwan Indigenous Medical Association / Chief Doctor, Austronesians Tribal Clinic
1.部落領主:1950年出生在太麻里溪介達Kaladalan舊部落Mazaza/ngiyan Giling(給令)家為長子vusam. 目前繼承為介達部落領主(頭目),正主導部落法人化、部落會議、傳統領域土地回復及自治事宜.
2.正興村跨部落會議主席:1955年隨部落遷村,共有四個高山部落移入,建置為金山鄉介達村,1962年起改制為金峰鄉正興村,返鄉後曾任社區理事長, 跨部落會議主席.
1. Chieftain: I am the eldest son of Giling; born at kaladala ,Taitung in 1950. I inherited the chieftain status from my father, and currently responsible for the corporatization in indigenous tribe, indigenous tribal assembly, and traditional field reversion.
2. Chairman of Cross indigenous tribal assembly. In 1955, there were four indigenous tribes along with Zhengxing relocation; built Jinfeng Township reformed served as community board director and chairman of cross indigenous assembly.
3. Local public medical doctor. I attended at National Taiwan University School of Medicine in1969, and became a government sponsorship training doctor in 1975. After qualified for unified entrance examination doctor; I was served as former Health bureau section manager, indigenous health consultant of Executive Yuan, and director of national tribal community health construction plan.
4. Private practice medical practitioner of Paiwan: When I returned to Jinfeng township in 1994, I was aware that the urgent need for tribal people to have fine hygiene and effective disaster prevention. Thus, I dedicated myself to support traditional treatment and cure of collateral trauma of result from colonial persecution.
Even though I was no longer in practice since last year, retirement cannot stop my enthusiasm for protecting my people. I chose to open up a clinic on Tropical of Capricorn, a haven for medical service.
5. Congressman of National Assembly: The most noticeable work during my tenure was assisted in “colored people” to “indigenous ”rectification in 1994.
6. Leader of NGO: I joined Taiwan First Nation Party in 2016, and positively promote a tribal council consensus in Paiwan since then.
Community Economy, Market System and Transnational Trade Agreement

瓦歷斯.貝林 Walis Perin
Seediq / Chairperson, Seediq National Assembly Provisional Office / Owner of Green Life Farm
Walis Perin now lives in Ren-ai Township, Nantou County as the owner of Green Life Farm. He had served as the elected representatives for 16 years, and was Minister of the Council of the Indigenous Peoples from 2005 to 2007.
Minister, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan (2005 - 2007)
President, Credit Union Leagues of the Republic of China (2000 - 2006)
Member of the Legislative Yuan (1993 - 2005)
Member of Nantou County Council (1986 - 1990)

Judith Lovell
Senior Research Fellow, Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University
Dr. Judith Lovell,澳洲查爾斯達爾文大學北方研究所資深研究員,專長是學術研究的多學科與協作用途,以提高澳洲與國際社會的社會、環境、文化與經濟能力。目前她領導遠程經濟參與合作研究中心的綜合與整合研究。
Dr. Judith目前的研究關注於社會、文化發展及經濟政策如何在多元的地理與社會背景之下對人們產生影響,她近期從事的計畫包含國際與文化脈絡下的視覺法學,以及遠程經濟參與合作研究中心的綜合與整合研究(Cooerative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation,CRC-REP)。
Dr Judith Lovell is a Senior Research Fellow with the Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University. Her expertise is in the multidisciplinary and collaborative uses of research to enhance social, environmental, cultural and economic capabilities in Australian and international societies, and she leads the Synthesis and Integration of research for the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation.
Judith’s current focus is on social and cultural developments and the economic policies affecting them in diverse geographic and social contexts. Her current projects include visual jurisprudence in international and cultural contexts; and the synthesis and integration of research for the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation (CRC-REP).

Nick Roskruge
Māori / Senior Lecturer in Horticulture and Māori & Pacific Agriculture, Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University
Nick Roskruge屬毛利族(Ātiawa及Ngāti Tama-ariki系統),為北帕莫斯頓梅西大學(Massey University)農業與環境研究所的資深講師,專長為園藝學與毛利及太平洋農業。Nick同時於林肯大學(Lincoln University)擔任研究員,是紐西蘭瀕危物種信託(毛利諮詢小組)的受託人,也是環境保護署法定決策委員會的成員(此前為環保署法定毛利諮詢團體「Ngā Kaihautu Tīkanga Taiao」主席)。2013年,Nick獲得傅爾布萊特獎學金,於美國康乃爾大學(Cornell University)訪問數月,並參與多個州立大學的民族植物學及馬鈴薯基因組計畫。Nick廣泛參與毛利園藝相關計畫,其中最知名的是國家馬鈴薯毛利計畫、於薩摩亞的可可計畫,以及Tahuri Whenua計畫(國家毛利園藝學共同體)。其關於食物安全與作物系統的研究多於紐西蘭、南太平洋國家及美洲國家進行(特別是美國、智利與祕魯)。
Nick Roskruge is of Māori (Ātiawa, and Ngāti Tama-ariki tribes) descent and a senior lecturer and in horticulture and Māori and Pacific Agriculture in the Institute of Agriculture and Environment at Massey University in Palmerston North. Nick is also a research fellow with Lincoln University, a Trustee with the Endangered Species of New Zealand Trust, on the Māori advisory board to several other research institutes and a member of the Statutory Decision Committee for the Environmental Protection Authority (Prior to this Chair of Ngā Kaihautu Tīkanga Taiao the Statutory Māori reference group for the EPA). In 2013 Nick was the recipient of a Fulbright award and spent several months in the USA based at Cornell University (upstate New York) and involved with a number of other state universities around ethnobotany and potato genomic programmes. Nick is involved in a wide range of Māori horticultural centric projects, the most well-known being the National Taewa Māori project, Cocoa project in Samoa, and also Tahuri Whenua (National Māori Horticultural Collective). His research activities around food security and crop systems align to New Zealand, the South Pacific nations and the Americas, particularly the USA, Chile and Peru.

宮莉筠 Gong, Li-Yun
Worker of Organic Paddy Field in Paterongan Community, Fengbin Township
I’m Gong, Li-Yun, also called Umus in Kavalan. My father came from ShanDong China, My mother’s father belongs to Saisiyat groups while her mother belongs to Atayal groups. My husband belongs to Kavalan groups, we have a son and a daughter.
After the graduation from Department of Psychology of Kaohsiung Medical University, I served as the chairman of Hualian Counseling Psychologist Union and set up own counseling center named ‘secret garden’, expertise on game treatment and sexual counseling. After that, I turned to Xinshe indigenous community in Hualian to continue my social service.
I have been worked with many different groups to build and develop our community, I participated in Paterongan Flying Fish Group as a contact person, and also worked with East Coast National Scenic Area Administration and Council of Indigenous People to preserve our language and folklore.
Besides, I cooperated with Hualian District Agricultural Improvement Station and Yuli Dongfong Organic Rice Company to launch a brand named‘Seven Idiots Rice’, attempt to practice the self-value within agricultural movements. Base on the protection of natural resources, I proposed to retain the land for ‘Laligi’ and the road to ‘Laligi’.
Xinshe Elementary School is the only Kavalan elementary school in Taiwan, I expected that this school could be a cultural incubator through the resources exchange between school and local community.
Now I’m the new chairman of Xinshe Community Develop Association, I will be committed to documenting and practicing the Kavalan culture, cultivating our young people and promote the value of agricultural movements.

徐遵慈 Kristy Tsun-Tzu Hsu
Associate Research Fellow, Taiwan WTO and RTA Center, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
徐遵慈現為中華經濟研究院台灣東南亞國家協會研究中心主任,及WTO及RTA中心副研究員,並擔任全國工業總會貿易 發展委員會與國際事務委員會顧問、全國商業總會國際經濟關係委員會委員、中華民國工商協進會「全球月刊」編輯諮詢委員會委員、外貿協會「爭取政府採購商機GPA專案計畫」顧問、行政院CEDAW國家報告委員等職。畢業於東吳大學法律研究所,研究領域包括國際組織與國際經貿法、區域整合、東南亞研究、性別與經濟議題等。
Kristy Hsu (徐遵慈) is Associate Research Fellow and Section Chief at the Taiwan WTO Center,and Programme Coordinator at the Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center (TASC),Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER), Taiwan(R.O.C.). Her areas of research interest include international trade policy and economic/trade law, trade and development issues, regional integration, and gender issues.
She is also Advisory Member to the Trade and Development Committee, ROC National Confederation of Industries, International Affairs Committee, ROC Chamber of Commerce, and adviser to the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce’s, or CNAIC’s monthly publication CNAIC Magazine, and Standing Supervisor to Taiwan Women Film/Video Association.
Kristy obtained her LL.M from the School of Law, Soochow University, Taiwan, and B.A. in Foreign Literature and Languages from National Taiwan University, Taiwan. She was the Executive Secretary and associate research fellow at the Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) from 1999 ~ 2002; journalist of the Commercial Times in Taiwan from 1989 ~ 1998, and Correspondent in Tokyo for the newspaper in 1990.

施雄偉 Shih, Hsiung-Wei
Paiwan / Chief of Paiwan Family Trust and LIANA's Fiji Limited
Shih, Hsiung-Wei(施雄偉) is my Chinese name. Last name Shih was drew by my grandparents while 楚拉拉克斯 was my authentic name. It means lightning, thunderstorm, and calling in Paiwan language.
Rulakes, a Paiwan tribe in Taitung. The sun, wind, and earth of Rulakes accompanied and guided me how to balance between human and primitive. The wisdom I obtained from mountains cultivated me an explorative personality, and those were my most impressive and sweet memories. My respect and esteem for mother nature came from the special emotions because of this.
After an honorary discharge from army, I founded a small business with 15 thousands NTD; and earned my first ten million when I was 28. However, I believe that there will always be a turning point awaits, and hope followed. I waved farewell to my beloved tribe and immigrated to Fiji in 1991. Hence, it was a reset for me and my family.
I established a hairdressing company named Lianna after my wife; specialized in beauty product, salon management, and hairstyle design school. Meanwhile, I offered free assistance and skills for impoverished youths who want to start an undertaking. As time went by, my chain store career has expanded and stretched out to different island countries on South Pacific Ocean. Luckily, I was privileged to be awarded to Overseas Model Of Entrepreneurs in 2000.
In the past 20 years, I have been on the run to Taiwan, Australia, and Fiji; attempt to avail various potential opportunities. I grew up in limited resources, but thrive in it as well. The poverty of my childhood encouraged me to pursue success regardless of distance; hardship brought up my affluent.
In conclusion, now I am committed to my tribe which nurture and nourish me since the very beginning. What’s more, I shall fully engaged in tribe revival and economy development.
The Demographical change, Social Supporting System, and Health Management

童元昭 Tung, Yuan-Chao
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University
I have a range of research interests and have focused on Ethnic Representing, Migration Research, Intermarriage and Adoption, and Food Research for a long time. Most of my fieldwork was carried out in Oceania and Pingtung, Taiwan.
Public Anthropology has guided me in realizing the working direction of the coexistence of academic research and public values, therefore I have started to develop new relationships between museums and primitive communities over digital archiving.
I also expect to advance the knowledge framework of the Austronesian world in Taiwan, connecting Taiwan indigenous peoples with Insular Southeast Asia and Oceania, to stimulate the new point of view toward this world.

Zita Pangelinan
President, Håya Cultural Development Foundation, Guam
Zita Pangelinan是Håya文化發展基金會的聯合創始人,自2005年起擔任主席至今,同時也擔任第十二屆太平洋藝術節傳統治療委員會主席,並當選為太平洋原住民治療者聯合會秘書。她與馬里亞納群島的傳統治療師合作並協辦會議、研討會和社區對外交誼活動。她正在進行的工作包含制定傳統治療課程及其學徒計畫,與當地治療師共同製作了一部名為“ÅmotPara I Hinemlo'ta”的紀錄片。Pangelinan女士已經與傳統治療師、學徒和Tricia Lizama在整個馬里亞納群島舉辦了無數場會議與工作坊以振興本土治療實踐。
她是Francisco S. Pangelinan 和 Engracia D. Pangelinan的十五個孩子之一,也是五個孩子的母親 - Jacob, Pedro, David, Simon, Maria,膝下有四個孫子 - Trey, Tristan, Julius, Miriam。
Zita Pangelinan is co-founder of Håya Cultural Development Foundation and has served as President since 2005 to present. She served as Chair of the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts Traditional Healing Committee. She was elected Secretary of Pacific Indigenous Healers Consortium. She works with traditional healers throughout the Marianas and coordinates Conferences, workshops and community outreach. She is currently working on developing the apprenticeship program and curriculum for the offering of courses in traditional healing. She co-produced a documentary entitled “Åmot Para I Hinemlo’ta”. Ms. Pangelinan has presented at numerous conferences and workshops with traditional healers, apprentices and Dr. Tricia Lizama throughout the Marianas to revitalize indigenous healing practices.
Ms. Pangelinan is also a Human Resource Consultant for over 25 years. She works with clients in areas of employee relations, organizational restructuring, organizational development, workforce training and development, community development, and broad based management. Her clients include local and federal government as well as local, regional, multi-national organizations and non-profit organizations.
She is one of fifteen children of the late Francisco S. Pangelinan and Engracia D. Pangelinan. She is the mother of five children – Jacob, Pedro, David, Simon and Maria and grandmother of four – Trey, Tristan, Julius and Miriam.

彭建文 Peng, Chien-Wen
Professor, Department of Real Estate & Built Environment, College of Public Affairs, National Taipei University
國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境系教授,主要專長為不動產經濟、不動產估價、不動產市場分析、住宅政策。在學術服務部分,目前並擔任住宅學會理事長、住宅學報主編、房市改革行動聯盟召集人、土地估價學會理事兼副理事長、 都市計畫學會理事、土地經濟學會理事、世界華人不動產學會理事。在政府與社會服務部分,目前擔任都市計畫委員 (台北市)、財政審議委員(台北市)、都市更新審議委員(台北市、新北市、基隆市、 新竹縣)、地價評議委員(桃園市)、社會(公共)住宅諮詢委員(營建署、台北市、新北市、桃園市)、中華郵政不動產投資審議委員、消基會房屋委員會委員等工作。
Peng, Chien-Wen(彭建文) is the professor of Department of Real Estate and Build Environment of National Taipei University, expertise in real estate economy, appraisal of real estate, real estate market analysis and policy of housing. He served as director of several academic research association; Chinese Society of Housing Studies, Chinese Institute of Land Appraisal, Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning and Global Chinese Real Estate Congress.
Professor Peng is also very active in social service, he engaged in several governmental association as the member of committee; Urban Planning Commission of Taipei City Government, Department of Finance of Taipei City Government, Land Appraisal Committee of Taoyuan City Government and so on.

Miriama Kunawave Brown
Research Technician, Pacific Agricultural & Forestry Policy Network (PAFPNet), Pacific Community
My passion is agriculture. Involved in finding ways to interest our young generation today in Agriculture. I believe farming can be a part of a solution to ‘unemployment’ in the Pacific. Despite the decline in interest for agriculture as a career there are still young farmers working all over the world. To encourage others to join the sector it is vital that they are offered a voice and that we take note of what they have to say. Particularly this includes giving young farmers at policy level a chance to offer their opinion and experiences. In this way, they can show other young people that farming can be a rewarding career as well as highlighting the important role of agriculture on a global scale.
I am a social media savvy and believe in the importance of utilizing the platforms in sharing and communicating with wider audiences (public) on key and/or necessary topics.
My educational background includes a degree in agriculture and a post-graduate diploma in climate change from the University of the South Pacific.

呂寶靜 Lu, Pau-Ching
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare
Ph.D., Social Work and Sociology, School of Social Work, University of Michigan
2009.08-present Professor, Graduate Institute of Social Work, National Chengchi University
2006.08-2009.07 Professor & Chairperson, Graduate Institute of Social Administration and Social Work, National Chengchi University
2004.08-2006.07 Professor and Chairperson, Department of Sociology, National Chengchi University
2002.02-2004.07 Professor, Department of Sociology, National Chengchi University
1992.04-2002.01 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Chengchi University
1990.12-1992.04 Section Chief, Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan
1988.09-1990.12 Director, Education and Protection Division, Provincial Nantou Institute for Special Education
1984.08-1988.09 Social Worker, Provincial Nantou Institute for Special Education
1982.06-1984.08 Section Head, Department of Social Affairs, Taiwan Provincial Government
1982.01-1982.06 Social Worker, Provincial Yunlin Institute for Special Education
1979.07-1982.01 Officer, Department of Social Affairs, Taiwan Provincial Government

日宏煜 Ru, Hung-Yu (Umin.Itei)
Saisyat / Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Humanities in Medicine, Taipei Medical University
Professor Umin Itei(日宏煜 ) belongs to Saisiyat tribe in Miaoli Nanzhuang. He received his PhD from the department of Anthropology at University of Hawaii. His research interests including medical anthropology, historical anthropology, molecular biology and microbiology. He recently focus on a series issue of unequal health condition in indigenous people, the health condition re-building/empowerment in tribe and long-term care service in indigenous people. He is also the director of Millet Foundation and Medical Association for Indigenous People of Taiwan(MAIPT).
Concluding Discussion: Reconciliation, Coexistence, and Sustainability

鍾興華 Chung, Shing-Hua (Calivat‧Gadu)
Paiwan / Deputy Minister, Council of Indigenous Peoples
原住民族委員會教育文化處 處長
原住民族委員會企劃處 處長
東吳大學、實踐大學、大仁科技大學 兼任講師
Education Background:
- Ph.D.degree, Department of Ethnology, National Chengchi University
Certificate: :
- Director general of Administration Bureau of Cultural Park, Council of Indigenous People, Executive Yuan
- Director General, Department of Education and Culture, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan
- Director General, Department of Planning, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan
- Head of Parliamentary Liaison Unit, Senior Specialist, Deputy Director General,
Chief Secretary of the Secretariat, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan
- Section Chief, Chief Secretary, Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park
- Section Chief, Indigenous Peoples Affairs Committee, Taipei City Government
- Editor, Legal Affairs Committee, Taiwan Provincial Government
- Legal Consultant, Taiwan Business Bank
- Part-time Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Soochow University

郭佩宜 Pei-yi Guo
Associate Research Professor (Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica) / President, Taiwan Society of Pacific Studies / Vice President, Pacific History Association
Dr. Pei-yi Guo has carried out long-term fieldwork and anthropological research in Oceania, especially in the Solomon Islands. In addition to writing Solomon ethnographies, she has also expanded her horizon to other Pacific Islands. She is committed to develop Pacific Studies in Taiwan, and to promote its dialogues with Indigenous Studies in Taiwan from comparative Austronesian perspective. Her research interests include historical anthropology, legal anthropology, local currency, landscape and place, and anthropological methodology. In the past few years Pei-yi worked with a group of friends to run a public anthropology blog named ‘Guava Anthropology’. They have published online and in book format social critiques of contemporary society from anthropological perspectives.